2011 m. gruodžio 4 d., sekmadienis

Belief or the way they live it

Religion plays a significant role in, let me say, every Sri Lankan life. At least I felt it strongly. There is someone or something above us, which gives cheerful moments and helps to fight with badness and overcome it.

Retained culture

Be religious here is important, even more than I thought. There is at least one temple in each street, nearly in every bus you can find small Buddha statues hanged above the front window, and even in super crowded busses Please will stand up and give front seats for monks. And if you are a girl, don’t even think about a free seat next to a monk, because you are not allowed to sit; only man are can, if a monk is willing to share a seat. Easy to notice, sometimes strange to understand. But writing all about that indeed means writing about Sri Lanka’s culture and major part of its uniqueness and difference we all are looking here.