2011 m. rugsėjo 15 d., ketvirtadienis

The time has come!

For a new life, for a new experience… and for a new blog as well.
I guess there’s no a secret to anybody that without any big and concrete plans before, apparently I have planned my life for a whole year. I devoted it to development of my personal experience. As a destination for it I have chosen Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka has chosen me.

Why so far away? What a hell are you going to do there? Why don’t you like your country or Europe? These questions have followed right after my declaration of going for a one year internship in Sri Lanka. For exactly one year, starting from September 15th of 2011 till the same September 15th of 2012 I will live, work, talk, sleep, laugh, and spend my free time in a country, reasonably called “The Pearl of the Indian Ocean”.
I am so certain this life changing experience (as my dear buddy Thilina said) is what I really need now. That’s gonna be a thing I will never forget. But still during my time here I want to share my precious moments with those who are willing to read my blog anew.

You might have a question why I’m writing this blog in English. Well, there are several reasons for this. First of all, during my school years and life as an active AIESECer I’ve made quite a wide network. I know that people really care about me (as I care of them) and not all of them can understand Lithuanian. But they do understand in English, so do I. Of course, Google translate could be a solution, but such a translation cost some meaning damage or misunderstanding. Hence, make a communication process easier is the least what I can do.
Another reason turning my blog into English is simple – thus I hope to improve my written English capacities and knowledge. I can guarantee there’s gonna be a difference between my first post here and the last one.

My parents doesn’t grow any boys and army is not a duty anymore but optional. Still, as my mother says, this year equals the period of army and their oldest daughter has decided to go for it in her free will. If you are interested in my journey, open this blog time to time and I promise to give you some insights, share my impressions, experience, and attitude.
As one of my closest friend likes to quote, “If you don’t start, it’s certain you won’t arrive”. And I would add – “If you want something all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”. Well, there’s a lot to achieve, to overcome, to experience. It is my journey and I’m starting it without any limitations!

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