2011 m. gruodžio 4 d., sekmadienis

Belief or the way they live it

Religion plays a significant role in, let me say, every Sri Lankan life. At least I felt it strongly. There is someone or something above us, which gives cheerful moments and helps to fight with badness and overcome it.

Retained culture

Be religious here is important, even more than I thought. There is at least one temple in each street, nearly in every bus you can find small Buddha statues hanged above the front window, and even in super crowded busses Please will stand up and give front seats for monks. And if you are a girl, don’t even think about a free seat next to a monk, because you are not allowed to sit; only man are can, if a monk is willing to share a seat. Easy to notice, sometimes strange to understand. But writing all about that indeed means writing about Sri Lanka’s culture and major part of its uniqueness and difference we all are looking here.

2011 m. spalio 24 d., pirmadienis

It's all about changes

I guess we all need them, from time to time. Maybe start to exercise because the safety wheel around your waist is too wide, start to learn new language or find a sentence you could say to many people in their native language, move to a different place, get a new job, meet new people or change an attitude and share your “Happy Banana time” with friends.

MC office resident

Purple fusion
As for myself, I’m all living in changes now. Of course, coming to Sri Lanka was and still is the biggest change in my life. Nevertheless, after a month or more, I started to get use to such a life style, belong to society and do not pay too much attention to its reactions and daily comments towards me and my ‘alien’ look.

2011 m. spalio 9 d., sekmadienis

Competing with limited you

I thought I would never live anywhere out of Europe, I didn’t like spicy food and too hot weather. But I’m living in Sri Lanka now. Everyday I’m eating spicy food with my fingers, going work by two usually overcrowded busses, sweating like a hell there and doing other things I have never done in my life, like watching Cricket or Rugby. And I did participate in Marathon for the first time in my life.

Worth to try

And it leads to a thought that all limitations are self-imposed and if we are limited it’s just because we are too lazy at least to try. All boundaries are human-made and all our excuses are created to convince ourselves: too hard, too inconvenient, too big or rather too small, too far away and just impossible to overcome. Maybe. But what if it’s not?
To run a Marathon was a goal of this year. Well, I haven’t thought that this idea will be realized in Colombo.  Just wanted to try and feel it. By talking about Marathon I do not mean running all 42,196 km, although I would really like to, maybe some time later. But for it body needs to be trained more.

2011 m. spalio 3 d., pirmadienis

Starting from the beginning: my job!

It has been quite a long time since I wrote my first post and kept silence till now. Actually, there are so many things to tell, so many feelings to express, so many “wows” to describe. In this case I will try to do it in small steps – different posts. Let me start from probably the most important thing and purpose of my coming to Sri Lanka. That’s my job.

Incredible view, unfortunately, not from my window.
Living diversity

I came to Sri Lanka as an AIESEC intern. AIESEC is an international student organization which gives an opportunity to experience other cultures, life, meet new people, travel and live a different life.
There is no better time when that one you decided to take a first step to some changes. That’s what I wanted, what’s what I needed, what’s why I am here.

My company is called 361 Interactive. It’s event organizing company as a synergist. My task is to deal with MICE tourism sector. MICE (meetings, incentives, conventions, events) provide all service a client might need while he has a business meeting in Sri Lanka, starting from corporate events, ending with theme nights, sightseeing, interactive bonding, cocktail parties, Gala dinner and so forth. Lots of creativity, space to show your best, interactivity and fun. Needless to say, that I really enjoy my work, like the company and all challenges I have to overcome. My first impression says: there is no doubt that I’ve made a right decision.
Wouldn’t you like it if:

2011 m. rugsėjo 15 d., ketvirtadienis

The time has come!

For a new life, for a new experience… and for a new blog as well.
I guess there’s no a secret to anybody that without any big and concrete plans before, apparently I have planned my life for a whole year. I devoted it to development of my personal experience. As a destination for it I have chosen Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka has chosen me.

Why so far away? What a hell are you going to do there? Why don’t you like your country or Europe? These questions have followed right after my declaration of going for a one year internship in Sri Lanka. For exactly one year, starting from September 15th of 2011 till the same September 15th of 2012 I will live, work, talk, sleep, laugh, and spend my free time in a country, reasonably called “The Pearl of the Indian Ocean”.
I am so certain this life changing experience (as my dear buddy Thilina said) is what I really need now. That’s gonna be a thing I will never forget. But still during my time here I want to share my precious moments with those who are willing to read my blog anew.

2011 m. sausio 4 d., antradienis

Sweet memories

Keista ar ne, bet po gerų dviejų savaičių namie, jaučiu itin sustojusį laiką. Švedija liko kažkur toli toli anapus Baltijos, kai bandau viską prisiminti, atrodo, kad ten praleidau ne 4 mėnesius, o vos 3 savaites. Negalvojau, kad viskas taip greitai pasibaigs. Dar kelte, matydama rytinės ir kiek ūkanotos Rygos vaizdus prisiminiau save, ką tik atsisveikinusią su tėvais, kiek drebančia širdimi, naujų vaizdų ir pojūčių laukiančiomis akimis. Dabar jaus viskas išgyventa. O buvo išties nemažai.